Band: Black Curse
Album: Endless Wound
Label: Sepulchral Voice Records
Genre: Black & Death Metal
Well, I feel like a complete dumb ass for having overlooked this record. Endless Wound is the official debut from Denver super group Black Curse. It's members hail from several already highly successful metal bands (Blood Incantation, Khemmis, Primitive Man, Spectral Voice), and they are bringing their own vision of black and death metal to life.
While there have been plenty of bios about the band's beginnings and various forms the group has taken, it's important to note that this did not come around easy or quickly. Due to various commitments to other projects the members are in, the songwriting and recording process took around 4 years till Endless Wound saw the light.
The music itself has a raw and evil feeling in nature. They utilize furious tremolo picking, extreme tempo changes and Wendler's vocal style is a perfect pairing for the OSDM vibes that reek throughout this entire record. Endless Curse doesn't seem to lack anything, and in my opinion is a strong contender for the death metal AOTY.
If you're a fan of the recent wave of OSDM bands like Blood Incantation, Conjureth, Tomb Mold or Coffin Rot, then Black Curse's Endless Wound will be an immediate new favorite of yours.
I'm giving Endless Wound a 9/10